
Tool Box: Top Ten Character Name Sources

Top Ten Ways to Know You're Dealing with a Dabbler

La vie en Laura: a conversation with the budding novelist

Blame It on Paris!

And then there was one: Mylene Dressler at Carson McCuller's house

Your Contract with a Literary Agent

Agent and Author: Eudora Welty and her "benevolent parasite"

More Agent Basics

Miss Snark forever: an agent's blog lives on...and on...

The Why & How of Working with a Literary Agent: Part Two

The Why & How of Working with a Literary Agent: Part One

Basic Instructions and a few thoughts on mentoring

Contract wars: Please, sir...may I have some more?

Dog-Gone It...

Is there a literary equivalent of cinema verite?

Titles: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Freaks ’R’ Us: Inhabiting Alien Characters with Andrew W. M. Beierle

How to Hurt the Ones You Love

Avoiding work is an important aspect of my career strategy

Just Woke Up & Decided to Be Evil...

Secret confessions of a debut novelist: a conversation with Ellen Meister

Presenting Ellen Meister: Secret Confessions of the Applewood PTA

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Go to the Newstand

No magic in Harry Potter sales at the indies