
Rewriting the Law of Inertia

Typolution (I am an orchard. But I can be a factory when I need to be.)

Frost on Writing: How Not to Lose Pressure

Robert Frost on Christmas Trees and trial by market

Have a White (Noise) Christmas

"Duck, Folks! Here Comes Literary Diversity" (Michelle Kerns on the Next Decade in Book Culture)

Seasons Greetings (a little blast from holidays past)

Merry Christmas

Another comment on doing a lot with what ya got:

Dear Santa, Bring Me a Clue

Quotation for the Week: Edison on Opportunity

Okay, so I've embraced it: This Chrismas sucks.

The Perfect and the Good

Because it is Friday, and because we are nerds.

Cutting to the Chase

Hoping to devastate and ravish (3 Questions for D.W. Lichtenberg)

Don't Be Publishing's Hoochie Mama: Lessons from Disgraceland

Dear Cancer, This hurts you more than it hurts me. (Write a letter and raise $$ for the American Cancer Society)

Gatekeeper or good riddance? (Kirkus post mortem)

Harnessing the Warm Winds

D.W. Lichtenberg's "The Ancient Book of Hip" (Hmm. Brilliant or the bare arse of an emperor?)

Good Grief! Revision in Five Stages

Monty Python's Working Class Playwright ("It could express a vital theme of our age!")

When Rejection's a Favor

Once is not enough (Why you should blow off that thing about "no simultaneous submissions.")

It's a Bird, it's a Plane... It's Super-Protagonist!

Atwood on editing

Dear Santa, I've been a very good writer this year! (Gift ideas for book makers)

A Couple of Links

Writing in Crisis

You get my drift (a southern writer shovels snow in Montana)