Friday, January 26, 2007

Gotta Love Melissa Senate

Melissa Senate is touring the Girlfriends Cyber Circuit with her latest novel, Love You to Death, in which spunky Abby Foote is on a quest to find out who is killing the men who broke her heart. Buzz is good. Four stars from RT and Publisher's Weekly says readers will "cheer Abby every step of the way."

At first blush, Melissa struck me as one of those annoying “Hottie Literati” types. She’s young, gorgeous, commercially successful. Book deals galore. Lusted after by anthologizers, bar flies, and potential mothers-in-law. This chick would be so easy to despise.

But Melissa defies most of the stereotype that goes with that "Hottie Literati" label by actually loving language and knowing how to use it. She started as an editor, which is probably the best place an author can learn how to craft a solid manuscript that actually stands a chance of making money.

Melissa’s official bio says she writes full time “on the southern coast of Maine, where she lives with her young son and his toys.” Something else many of those hot 20-something authors are lacking – a real life. There’s much to be said for being grounded in both life and art.

Go, girlfriend!

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