Tuesday, May 01, 2007

How 'Bout That Guru?!

Congratulations to fellow BtO blogger Joni Rodgers, who worked as a memoir guru on the Rue McClanahan memoir, My First Five Husbands... And the Ones Who Got Away. (Don't you just love that title?) This week, the book hit #18 on the New York Times Bestseller List, and it's getting rave reviews and some very nice coverage in the blogosphere.

If this news isn't worthy of celebration, I don't know what is!

1 comment:

Joni Rodgers said...

Thanks, Colleen. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Rue, and I'm thrilled for her success. She's by far the most gracious client I've worked with, funny, extremely smart, and an excellent writer. And an absolute blast to hang out with!