
Everything I needed to know about publishing, I learned from Gone With the Wind

Tanya Lee Stone: When is a bad boy good for a girl?

Online Class: "Making Scenes Matter"

American bards: a declaration of interdependence

So this is why God created the ellipsis...

The Guys Have Bond & NASCAR...


Kockroach: Tyler Knox flips Kafka

Making the most of the longest day of the year

Wordplay and other serious business

What it is to witness

Chat with Bestselling Author Jennifer Ashley

All You Really Need to Know

Megan Crane: Frenemies

Artistic Integrity vs. Foolhardy Stubbornness

Alice Sebold speaks a powerful mouthful of mission statement

This Just In -- Area Author Caught Getting High

Can I get my book with a double shot of espresso please?

Top Ten Reason I Love My Job

Joshilyn Jackson: Between, Georgia

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Same-old, Same-old

Space, the final frontier

Give me a mystery

Muzzling the Inner Critic

Brilliant Diversions of the Lazy Brain