Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Alice Sebold speaks a powerful mouthful of mission statement

Last week at Midwives, the topic of "mission statements" came up, and I think I heard mine come out of mouth of Alice Sebold, author of The Lovely Bones, during her remarks at BEA:
"I seek to write honest narratives about difficult people and/or lives. I seek not to answer any questions by doing it, just to present a story in a voice that takes hold of you and that you follow -- often despite yourself -- until the end of the ride."

Sebold said she was there to address the kazillion dollar question: "Does the book after Bones suck?" We'll find out in October, when I (along with every book club in America and the UK) will be reading The Almost Moon. Publisher's Marketplace subscribers will find the complete podcast on Publisher's Lunch TV.

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