Back in 1998, I attended my very first national Romance Writers of America convention with two things: a newly-signed contract on my first novel and a dream, the dream that at the following year's conference, I, too, would be among the hundreds of authors signing for literacy.
It was a powerful dream, filled with longing and excitement, and when it finally happened, it marked an achievement I would never forget.
The dream remains, as vivid as ever. I glimpsed it in the faces of hundreds of yet-to-be-sold authors. I saw it in the shining eyes of my brilliant critique partner, T.J. Bennett, whose debut historical romance, The Legacy, will be out in time for next year's signing. And I saw the culmination of the dream in the smiles of West Houston RWA chaptermates Teri Thackston and Brandy Jordan (pictured above) as they sat on the other side of the aisle for the very first time with their debut novels.
Like a lot of other authors, I tend to focus on the new goals and lose sight of those I have accomplished. Sometimes, it's great to be reminded of the power of those I have achieved. Thanks, ladies, congratulations, and welcome to the sisterhood of the written word!
Thanks, Colleen. I don't think I could have had more fun last week. It is totally a dream come true and I'll try to remember it always!
Great pictures. They both look so excited. That's what it's about!
Thank you, Colleen. The only thing better than being mentioned in your blog is being mentioned in your blog as "brilliant"! :-) It was so wonderful spending time with you and all my writer friends, all at different stages of their journey, all having such a great time. Thanks again!
Thanks for stopping by. It really was fun!
Thanks, Colleen. It was a surreal evening - being not only my first booksigning, but also my first time at the National Lit. signing. In fact, most of it's a blur. Thanks for blogging about it and helping me remember the awesome feeling, too!
Brandy xo
I'm so glad you all enjoyed yourselves. It's important to celebrate the special moments.
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