Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Face Plants and the Definition of Success

"Show me a guy who's afraid to look bad, and I'll show you a guy you can beat every time."

- Rene Auberjonois

If a writer doesn't take risks, doesn't chance looking like a fool from time to time, the work becomes derivative, a pale imitation of the work of others. By taking the safe course, one can achieve modest successes, but only by forging ahead of the curve can an author -- or any artist or businessperson -- have a shot at breaking out into uncharted territory.

Barbara Dawson Smith, an award-winning, NYT bestselling novelist I very much respect, once said (and I'm paraphrasing because my memory isn't perfect): "My goal isn't to have my books picked up by people browsing the bookstore looking for another historical romance. I want them to go looking for a Barbara Dawson Smith book in particular. I want mine to be the novel picked up by those readers who only purchase two to three books a year."

It's a worthy goal, and one I share (though in the interest of full disclosure, I'd prefer that my readers to go looking for a Colleen Thompson romantic suspense instead.) But it's not a goal I'll achieve if my books are only a pretty good example of the genre. To stand out, I have to celebrate my own voice, to be different.

And if that means risking a giant face plant in a failure meringue pie, so be it. I can always lick off the sweet white goo and give it another shot.


Suzan Harden said...

You know a woman has good taste when she quotes Constable Odo. (grin)

But it's very true about taking chances in writing, and in life. Otherwise, I'd be weaving baskets for a living in Dresden, Ohio.

Colleen Thompson said...

I loved Rene in that part (Star Trek Deep Space Nine, for the unannointed)! Terrific actor... and a wise fellow, if this quote's any indication.

Christie Craig said...


This is so true. I think success come to those who remain true to their writing voices and aren't afraid to go that extra step in whatever they do.

Thanks for the reminder.