Friday, January 11, 2008

Shakespeare on my shoulder

Since we seem to be focused on revisions and alterations this week...

This morning I dropped off my ms-in-progress with critique partner Bobbi and headed downtown to Sacred Heart Studio to have my shoulder rewritten by the astonishingly talented and delightful Christina Sparrow (her business card reads "Tatooer -- Heartbreaker -- Painter"). Here's the cell cam quickie. I'll post better photos along with the whole backstory (ba-dum-bum CHH!) later this weekend.

1 comment:

Colleen Thompson said...

My son's absolutely right. You *are* the coolest mom on the planet.

Of course, he thinks everyone who's not me is inherently cool.

I dig the Bard. Bet that stung, though!

Can't wait to read your manuscript.