Here at the Intersection of Discretion and Valor

Thanks to Joni and to everyone who's expressed concern over my broken wing. I hope to receive my copy of Dragon tomorrow and will start working to train it. Meanwhile, I'm laboriously typing with one hand to see how frustrated I get. :)

As I mentioned in the comments, I was really embarrassed to have injured myself doing something so crazy as trying out my teen son's skateboard. At least one family member has given me the "why don't you just admit you're old and uncoordinated" lecture, but not a one of my writer friends.

Why? I think it's because as novelists, we live at the intersection of Discretion and Valor, where we continually dare to defy the tremendous odds favoring failure for a single chance to fly.

And even when we crash, we have only to look around for someone to offer a hand up... someone else who understands the reasons we brave the breaks and bruises time and time again.

May you all, however, experience far gentler landings. Or at least remember to keep your dominant hand tucked.


Joni Rodgers said…

Hang in there, kiddo.
EmilyBryan said…
Bless your heart! And since it's your dominant hand, writing the old fashioned way with pen and paper is out.

Sending hugs and prayers,
Words to live by. I commend your attempt, though! Blessings and healing energies to you!
Thanks so much, ladies. I'm using voice dictation software now, and I can see it's going to be very helpful.