Saturday, February 07, 2009

Booya! TJ Bennett's The Legacy is a "Desert Island Keeper"

Congrats to our critique bud TJ Bennett whose debut novel The Legacy made the AAR Buried Treasure list, scoring a rave review and "Desert Island Keeper" status.

Anyone familiar with All About Romance knows that these reader/reviewers are extremely difficult to please, so you know you've got something going on when the reviewer is "overwhelmed by the quality of the writing, by the fascinating characters, and by the authors’ happy disregard of the usual formulas of historical romance writing."

The glowing review goes on to say:
"I loved the way the historic background got subtly woven into the tale without overpowering it. That includes the issue of religion. Sabina is a former nun, and religion is an integral part of the characters’ lives without any trace of preachiness. The secondary characters were delightful...and I can’t wait to read about Wolf’s delicious brothers Günter and Peter."

(Coming later this spring: The Promise. Visit TJ's web site for updates.)

Gofightwin, TJ!


TJ Bennett said...

Tee hee. :-> Thanks for the shout out, Joni! My gast is still a bit flabbered this morning.


Colleen Thompson said...

I'm thrilled for you, TJ. And can't wait to read THE PROMISE in May!

Anonymous said...

Ooh.. The Legacy sounds like an interesting book! I'm off to see if my favourite online book store (books on board) has it as an ebook.