
Author/Reviewer Death Match Round 2: deBotton v Crain

Can't we all just get along? (Alice in Blunderland and a Few Simple Rules for a happier publishing community)

About the C-word...and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's "The Thing Around Your Neck"

Greetings from "Down the Shore"

"When I want to be a director, I write a novel." (John Irving on the craft of fiction)

American icons

Are you webervescent?

BURN THIS BOOK: PEN Writers Speak Out on the Power of the Word

Higher Ground

Gotta have friends (Sheila Curran shares the backstory on "Everyone She Loved")

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Character Theme Songs

Come Celebrate "Beneath Bone Lake"

Writers get revenge in Terry Griggs' "Thought You Were Dead"

Kids in Fiction, Redux

The sole of wit (Tolstoy's delicious "Alyosha the Pot")

Tom Folsom on Daily Show with "The Mad Ones"

Get your daily flash of SciFi at 365tomorrows

Kids in Fiction

Quote of the Week: Ferber on the Love of Writing

Getting Your Teeth into Your Work

Tolstoy to publishing hierarchy: "Take out your own chamber pot."

Must-Haves for the Selling Romance Synopsis

Continuing my Quest for the Jest

It was probably the penguin (Tim Maleeny is at Murder By the Book tonight)

Secret Ambitions

Cancer Survivor's Bookshelf (recommended reading for phoenixes and the people who love them)

Three Chances for Free Books Plus Lunchreads Special!

Essential Optimism

Beat the Heat Low Tech Style

AbeBooks top 20 tales of shattered childhood (Now go call your mother!)

Stop by The Chatelaines & Win

Spend an Infinite Summer exploring the twisty delish maze that is DFW's "Infinite Jest"

Emily Bryan's Stroke of Genius Contest

Love, forgetting, and raspberry language souffle (a conversation with novelist Emily St. John Mandel)

Check Out Colleen's "Big Thrill" and Win