Saturday, June 20, 2009

Come Celebrate "Beneath Bone Lake"

Don't forget the release party for Colleen Thompson's chillah thrillah Beneath Bone Lake and Christie Craig's Gotcha! this afternoon from 2-4 at Read It Again, Breaswood Square in Houston. Grownup beverages, fajitas, and a guaranteed good read.


Suzan Harden said...

I hope you had a fabulous time. I wish I could have come. (Darn those Hallmark holidays!)

Colleen Thompson said...

It was very nice. Thanks, Suzan!

And thanks to Joni, too. I have your gorgeous peony to wake up to this morning!

Jenny Milchman said...

Congratulations, Colleen, wish I could just hop over to Texas! I am reading BONE LAKE now and so far it's every bit as chilling and mesmerizing as I was imagining it. Not to divide the spotlight or anything, but I also got a copy of THE SECRET SISTERS, Joni, and it looks wonderful--I am very psyched! Thanks for all the wonderful reads, ladies...

Colleen Thompson said...

Thanks so much for the kind words, Jenny! And I loved THE SECRET SISTERS, too. Enjoy!