Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Thankful Writer

Now that I have your attention... this Thanksgiving, I'm pushing aside gripes and worries about contracts, reviews, revisions, and the economy to give thanks for the blessings the writing life has bestowed. I'm thankful for the family who support my efforts, the sharp eyes and good will of my critique partners, and the cameraderie of writing buds.

I'm grateful to have found an agent who not only stands up for me but pushes me to take time and risks, for the editors whose thoughtful suggestions and enthusiasm have made me want to work my tail off, and the readers who vote with their wallets to keep me gainfully employed, recommend me to their friends, and write me sweet notes on occasion.

With its ever-changing challenges, the writing life keeps me on my toes and never offers me a chance to grow bored or complacent. Inspired to always strive for better, I continually feel pushed to - and sometimes beyond - my limits. I feel as if I'm doing the work I'm meant to do, and I'm proud of what I'm producing.

I'm thankful, too, to be living in a place and time where creativity is valued rather than stifled, where women's voices matter. Where individual's voices matter, no matter what the writer's ethnic heritage, socioeconomic background, or education level.

Finally, I'm thankful for the supportive community of writers, along with a community of readers hungering for the next great story.

So what aspects of your writing life are you most thankful for this year?

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