Thursday, December 13, 2012

MANLESS IN MONTCLAIR by Amy Holman Edelman

5.0 out of 5 stars Funny, poignant, delicious writing. Second read and still loved it.
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I first read this book when it came out in hardcover a few years ago. I loved Edelman's previous book LITTLE BLACK DRESS, so I had high expectations and wasn't disappointed. She's a terrifically funny and intelligent writer. Her sense of humor is urbane, sarcastic and classy without going over the edge to snotty or acidic. Her storytelling skills are so sharp; the first half of the book deftly weaves between the death of her husband and the story of their love from the very first date. So very, very well done and such a smart choice to unspool the joy and sorrow in tandem.

The second half of the book takes a sort of "Sex and the City" turn, which worried me for a moment, but it works surprisingly well, even though it's not as beautifully written as the first half. The book still holds together as a whole, and circles back exactly the way it needs to, creating a satisfying, full wingspan read. That took mad skills, and the author worked it beautifully.

Anyway, I was delighted to see an ad for the Kindle version of the book this morning. Grabbed it, read the whole thing this afternoon/evening and loved it just as much the second time around. Highly recommending if you're in the mood for something smarter and far more emotionally satisfying than chick lit but every bit as fresh and accessible.

(Hope to see LITTLE BLACK DRESS out on Kindle soon. I'd love to read it again.)

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