Aren't on Facebook? Then feel free to leave your comment here, and I'll add your name and book preference to my raffle. For an additional entry, let me know if you've recommended this contest to friends with a linkback to this or my Facebook entry page via Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media. I absolutely love it when my friends and readers get involved in helping me to get the word out!
Also, this winter, be on the lookout for my first single title romance in several years. The Best Victim will be released first in serial form, exclusively from Montlake Romance (published by Amazon.com in e-book format), to be followed by print, full-length e-book, and an audio edition. I'm working on it right now, and hope you'll enjoy this wild ride.
Finally, I leave you with a fun new meme I was surprised with by my friend and fellow writer, Julie Pitzel. Made me laugh anyway, because, yes, I certainly do put my characters through the mill (and sometimes six feet under) on the path to my heroes' and heroines' happily ever afters!
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