
Thanksgiving. Seriously. (19 years ago today, I was diagnosed with #lymphoma)

Colleen Thompson's serial thriller THE BEST VICTIM = #YesPlease (with a bullet!)

#2MinRevu CITY OF LOST DREAMS by Magnus Flyte = magical, mystical nerd-a-palooza

What I learned when I learned to play the piano (from the Earth to Joni archives)

The Best Victim Begins November 26th

THE POETS LAUREATE ANTHOLOGY educates, entertains, and on occasion, confuses

ALL THE TRUTH THAT'S IN ME by Julie Berry is like Speak meets The Crucible

ELEMENTS OF STYLE by Strunk & White is the best book to have on your shelf

MARCH Book One by John Lewis aims to get youth politically involved

Help Me Celebrate Another Book Birthday: The Colton Heir