Looking for the perfect gift for the writer in your family? Here's a humble suggestion, and it won't cost you a dime.
Support throughout the year.
Support means respecting the effort, along with the writer's willingness to risk ego, time, and perhaps financial solvency in a quest to achieve a dream. A supportive family member celebrates each step of the journey and does what can be done to smooth the pathway ahead. The writer's trajectory is not compared to that of others, nor is success determined by extrinsic measures, such as reviews, awards, or large checks appearing in the mailbox (although, should those things happen, they call for celebration).
Support means respecting the time the writer puts into the work. Sometimes this involves sacrifice, but guilt-inducing martyrdom is not part of the package any more than eye-rolling or sarcasm.
Support means listening (even when you're long past the point of boredom) as the writer talks through plot knots and the frustrations of the business. It means allowing the writer space and time for communing with others in the same boat. It means understanding that these friendships do not threaten the family relationship but strengthen it instead.
Finally, support lies in reminding the writer that the work is only part of life and not the whole. Careers have ups and downs, but a bad turn does not equal a bad person, only a person worthy of love through thick and thin.
Happy holidays!
Support throughout the year.
Support means respecting the effort, along with the writer's willingness to risk ego, time, and perhaps financial solvency in a quest to achieve a dream. A supportive family member celebrates each step of the journey and does what can be done to smooth the pathway ahead. The writer's trajectory is not compared to that of others, nor is success determined by extrinsic measures, such as reviews, awards, or large checks appearing in the mailbox (although, should those things happen, they call for celebration).
Support means respecting the time the writer puts into the work. Sometimes this involves sacrifice, but guilt-inducing martyrdom is not part of the package any more than eye-rolling or sarcasm.
Support means listening (even when you're long past the point of boredom) as the writer talks through plot knots and the frustrations of the business. It means allowing the writer space and time for communing with others in the same boat. It means understanding that these friendships do not threaten the family relationship but strengthen it instead.
Finally, support lies in reminding the writer that the work is only part of life and not the whole. Careers have ups and downs, but a bad turn does not equal a bad person, only a person worthy of love through thick and thin.
Happy holidays!
Just started blogging, huh? Don't let it take over your life ;).
Really nice post. I should have my husband read it...although he's pretty supportive already.
Happy Holidays!
Yes, I've just started the blog. So far, I'm enjoying it.
Have a wonderful holiday!