Sunday, March 25, 2007

Would the real Joe Hill please stand up

Every once in a while this biz gives me such a chortle...

Back in 2004, a guy named Joe Hill self-pubbed a little book of poems through PublishAmerica, a POD (print on demand) press, which vehemently denies being a vanity press. Kinda like I deny being a WASP. (I'd so much rather think of myself as a Viking.) Under the "Editorial Reviews" section for Surviving, there's only this:
Book Description
I am a thirty-six-year-old man, born in Des Moines, Iowa. I have an eleven-year-old daughter and sixteen-year-old nephew, both of whom I love very much. Without them this world would be unbearable. They give me reasons I never knew I had to live. I thank God every day for the things He has given me, even the things I don't understand. Poems and my children help ease the pain that everyday life can cause. I have recently found out that you can do anything you want when you believe in yourself. And that's what I will be teaching my children.

There are no media or buyer reviews, probably because of the complete lack of both media and buyers that undoubtedly greeted this publication...

Until a few weeks ago.

When the New York Times Book Review trashed Heart Shaped Box, which happens to be the debut novel of Stephen King's son, who is writing under the name...

Joe Hill.

Out of curiosity, I looked to see if there was another Joe Hill. The first time I looked, the Amazon sales rank of Surviving was in the top 1000. I can't decide which makes me laugh louder, the looks on the faces of all those rabid Stephen King fans when they get their little poetry books or the look on "poems and children help ease the pain" Joe Hill's face when he gets his next check from Amazon.

Like the man said:
I thank God every day for the things He has given me, even the things I don't understand.

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