Friday, March 16, 2007

You Can Take the Teacher Out of the Classroom, But...

I thought BtO readers might be interested in the following course that I'll be teaching online through PASIC (the Published Authors Special Interest Chapter of RWA). You don't have to be a member of either PASIC or RWA to sign up. Feel free to link to or forward this if you know anyone you feel is close to publication or has an interest in learning about agents, editors, contracts, and promotion.


May 2 - 29, 2007

What You Need to Know When You're About to Sell

Instructor: Colleen Thompson

Cost: $25.00 payable by check or PayPal

Workshop Description: This class will address topics writers on the verge of publishing should understand about the business. Lectures will include:

Week 1. Professional relations with your agent and your editor. (Who handles what, when it's okay to call or e-mail, reasonable expectations, etc.)

Week 2. Boilerplate basics. Important things to watch for in those first contracts. (What's negotiable and what often isn't. What's "normal." How the wording of option and out-of- print clauses can affect an author's future.)

Week 3. How to present yourself as an author. (Dealing with other writers and writers' groups. Developing and maintaining a professional image.) Developing/using your talents as a speaker and contributor of articles. How/when to mentor others while protecting yourself from potential problems.)

Week 4. When and how to start promoting. (Getting the most bang for your buck. Setting up your own mailing list and website. Setting and sticking to a budget. Keeping your emphasis on the writing where it belongs.)

Each week's classes would consist of four lectures with an additional day for questions and answers. Outside readings will be recommended but not required. In weeks three and four, attendees will be asked to develop an action plan.

About the Instructor: Colleen Thompson is the RITA-nominated author of twelve novels, including her upcoming romantic suspense, Head On (Love Spell, July 2007), and seven historicals written as Gwyneth Atlee. With honors ranging from a Texas Gold award to award nominations from Romantic Times and the Reviewers International Organization, Colleen has increased her knowledge of the business of writing by working with three different agents, five different editors, and two publishing houses and by picking the brains of numerous, more experienced author friends. A past contributor to The Romance Writer's Report and Writer's Digest, Colleen can be found on the web at or on her writers' blog at

Deadline to Register: April 24th.

To register, send an e-mail to To pay, send a $25.00 check payable to PASIC, Chapter #143. Mail to Pat Kay, Treasurer, PASIC, PO Box 441603, Houston, TX 77244-1603 or send your $25 payment via PayPal to

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