Octopulp (because it is Wednesday and because it is my heart)

I have tried and been interrupted mid-post half a dozen times now, so I'm just going to share something quick and fun from my "bloggo" file -- a storage locker of interesting things I stumble upon (no, not Stumbled Upon, and gimme back my idiom, Internet) whilst doing research on other stuff.

"Poulpe Pulps: a silly web site" is dedicated to images of giant squids in pulp fiction and comics.

You are allowed to enjoy this for twenty minutes in lieu of playing Word Mojo, then it's back to the salt mine for all us flat-nosed grindstoners! In the words of Sir John Buchan, first Barron of Tweedsmuir (seriously) and author of The Thirty-Nine Steps: "It's a great life if you don't weaken!"


Who knew? What a fun site. Love that old pulp fic artwork.

I see some fine ideas for tattoos in that lot. Or maybe not.