Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How's This for a Boxing Octopus?

Today I'm giving a big BtO shout-out to all my friends at the Houston Bay Area Chapter of the Romance Writers of America, where I spoke last night on the topic of using sociograms to get to know your characters and shape your plot. It's a brainstorming device I initially shared here and have since developed into an interactive workshop.

Though it's quite a drive for me, I always look forward to speaking to HBA, which has some of the most hilarious chapter meetings and most supportive members I've ever experienced. The speaker intro itself had me rolling (thank you, Anne and Terri!) but when they surprised me with Miss Boxing the Octopus, I could hardly wait to come home and share her on the blog.

Better yet, they somehow figured out that I love mint chewing gum and Jelly Bellies while I'm writing, so I'm fully stocked with a more than generous supply. So thanks a bunch HBA, for making an author feel super welcome!

And no, Joni, I'm not letting you borrow Miss BTO. Fahgettaboutit... mostly 'cause I know I'd never get her back. ;)


Anonymous said...

OMG, that is just so, so, so.... I think I'm... Yep. Smitten.

Couldn't happen to a nicer gal!

Colleen Thompson said...

Me, too, Elen. Thanks!

Phyllis Bourne said...

That is one cool octopus!

Jo Anne said...

She's a honey, Colleen! I know you'll get many great 'punches' out of her. :-) I loved your presentation last night, too.

Good job, lady!

Colleen Thompson said...

Thanks so much, Phyllis & Jo Anne. I wish she'd punch out this headache I have going. :(