Monday, September 14, 2009

Okay, I'm Listening Already!

Have you ever been encouraged, all right abetted by the universe on a writing project? Back in July, some pages popped out -- something for which I had neither the time nor concentration to spare (I was finishing a contracted work, and then I had to complete another proposal), but it hardly mattered. Once this opening spilled out on paper, I couldn't wait to get the chance to dive into it, since it's a project that's been percolating in the back of my brain for years.

Since then, however, I've been bombarded with signs that this is exactly what I need to be doing. Numerous newspaper headlines and related articles. An in-depth interview with a woman who's through living my heroine's situation. Detailed, specific, up-to-date research all but falling from the sky. A "chance" meeting, on the same day, with someone (who had no idea what I was writing) offering to introduce me to a man who's gone through the exactly career crisis as my story's hero, followed by (only minutes late) another "chance" meeting with an neuroscientist whose doctorate was on the precise psychological phenomena about which I'm so interested.

Call it synchronicity or serendipidity or the law of attraction or whatever woo-woo concept you like (and I am sooo now a woo-woo person), I'm starting to believe, as fellow novelist Allison Brennan put it when I mentioned it on Twitter, that "resistance is futile."

I just wanted to say, I'm listening, universe! I've cleared my schedule so I can focus, focus, focus on this story. I don't know what will come of it in the long run, but I'm dying to find out.

So have any of you ever had this experience? From what I've heard, I'm definitely not alone.


Suzan Harden said...

The truth is out there, and it's best not to ignore the universe when she comes knocking.

Jennifer Ashley/ Allyson James / Ashley Gardner said...

I've learned to never, ever ignore the universe when it talks! Always obey those signs and portents. Congrats on having a terrific story idea! Ride the fire.

Colleen Thompson said...

Thanks, ladies. I'm on it!

Congrats, Jenn, on finishing your draft. I can't wait to read that book!

Joni Rodgers said...

Yup. Ear to the ground. Still small voice. All that.