Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Post a Comment, Snag a Book!

Today I've been interviewed by hilarious romantic suspense author Christie Craig (if you haven't tried her books, I highly recommend them!) over at Killer Fiction, where she's giving an autographed copy of my latest, TOUCH OF EVIL, to one lucky commenter.

Plus, you'll find out what really scares... me, at the end of a day filled with eliciting chills from readers. Stop by http://bit.ly/bsXj3N to enter and uncover my darkest "secret."


Kathryn Peterson said...

Ha ha Colleen! I'm a scaredy cat too! I scare myself all the time! That was a fantastic interview. I was going to comment on there, but there were already 25 comments or something like that. Good for you!

And I just got your book (and Crazy for Trying and The Medusa Tree!) in the mail. When I crawl out from under the stack of student essays I'm currently reading, I'll start delving in.

Colleen Thompson said...

Thanks so much, Kathryn! Enjoy reading some stories you don't have to grade or edit!