One of My Books Now Available on Kindle

The Floodmakers (Putnam) is now available on Kindle--my first Kindle title, at last! And it's a BAHGAIN, DAHLINGS. Buy it here.


Just ordered it and can't wait to dive in! For $2.99? Resistance is futile, dahlings.
Mylène said…
Looks good/came out pretty well too, Colleen. I'm pleased. Thanks for the the buy. I'm halfway through The Salt Maiden and guessing every which way!
Joni Rodgers said…
Winging its way to my kindle now! Fly, lovely book, fly!
Mylène said…
Thanks, Joni-love!
Oooh la la. You know that Mark still won't buy me a Kindle??? Mr. Gadget man, computer programmer himself won't invest in Kindle. And why? Because "we don't go on enough flights." ?????

I'll be glad to buy it hard copy, though. :)
Mylène said…
I probably wouldn't have mine if my husband hadn't bought it for me. I'm incredibly tech-lazy--not uninterested, just too busy writing to figure out if I want a Kindle or a Nook. And then presto, problem solved!