Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oy, what a week we had!

Here's what happened on BoxOcto this week:
Crown's For My Sister campaign: preorder Pomise Me by Nancy Brinker with Joni Rodgers and get a free signed copy for a fabulous woman you love.

Robert McCrum makes a plea for difficult over cool.

Jorge Amado's Gabriella, Clove, and Cinnamon is all about love, politics, and Brazilian food.

Dr. KatPat continues her valiant quest through query and rewrite hell.

Fred reflects on story as the basis of our sense of self.

Colleen critiques for a cause and teams up with bestselling author Sharon Sala to raise money for diabetes research.

Michael Harvey's intriguing The Third Rail plots like a runaway train.

Michael Harvey talks about classic influence on hardboiled detective fiction (and his beefy reading list.)

Nate invokes Graham Joyce and ponders the beginning in the end.

Mylene invokes Phillip Roth and ponders turning the sentence around...again.

Dr. KatPat waxes suspicious in small town Texas.

Stephen Sondheim's "I Read" offers an escapist fiction manifesto.

Q&A: Is an MFA in fiction writing worth the effort?

Colleen directs our attention to not s'much moments in literature: Dante's Impala, Breakfast Burrito at Tiffany's. (To which Mylene added Gone With the Area of Low Pressure and Nate threw in The Post-It Notes of Anne Frank.)

The Red Room shows Mylene some backlist love, featuring The Floodmakers (freshly out on Kindle) as Book of the Day.

Lee Child has a Q&A-hole moment.

Joni ponders the quest for the perfect word.

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