Sunday, February 06, 2011

Artsy new trailer for "Bald in the Land of Big Hair" 10th anniversary enhanced ebook


Colleen Thompson said...

Wow. This just knocked my socks off.

And so did the book!


Dad said...

All that talent and hair TOO! After a lifetime of listening I am always amazed at the new and exciting ways you find to use your many talents. You have outdone yourself on this one Joni. We are proud and very very thankful that the world can still hear your beautiful voice. Your Mom and I are very blessed.

Joni Rodgers said...

Dad, that's not me singing! That's Denine Libke. (Remember Deni, my best bud when we lived in Onalaska?) She did a fantastic CD last year - mostly George Winston style piano. I'm completely addicted to it. I'll order one for you on Amazon. Mom will love it.

(But I did draw the doodle art. And wrote the book...)

Nancy Kay Bowden said...

Joni, what a beautiful trailer and, again, thanks for writing the book!
I believe I once told you but, in case I haven't, one of my daughters performed a scene from your amazing book before I ever read it. Because I read everything my kids read, I'd picked it up--and then read it cover to cover.
My daughter won big time with it at speech and drama contests... and, one time, she came home with a trophy and something bigger: a boy in the room had tapped her on the shoulder after her performance and said very proudly, "My mom wrote that!"
Wow. That was huge--especially to a kid whose mom also writes.
Bald in the Land of Big Hair will always remain on my shelf of favorites. :)

Mylène said...

Absolutely lovely. And welcome to the world Stella Link Digital Press. We need you.

Barbara Sissel said...

Joni! She lives! Yes, she does. What an adorable, gorgeous, fabulous woman you are! This little video bit so reflects that. I salute your bravery. The world is so lucky to have you and the gifts you bring, among them: Welcome to the world Stella Link Digital Press, a path to the future.