Monday, June 06, 2011

Handling Warp Speed

Today on twitter someone described the pace of change in the publishing industry as “blistering.” It’s a good adjective – and spot on. With the pace and the pressure in the book world today, it’s easy, I think, to get wrapped up in the speed, the new vocabulary, the rush to try the newest platform/gadget/software. But for me, in times like this, I actually settle in to myself, simply, literally, put my feet back on the ground. I don’t worry about the latest gadget. I try to avoid the rush and hum. In the midst of the noise, you see, there are always the stories. And stories connect us. It’s not that I’m disinterested in how the industry is developing. I’m keenly interested in the changes. It’s simply that I don’t want to flap and puff about it. Right now everything is shifting. It’s an adventure in books. It’s scary, liberating, challenging, and exciting. Recently I discovered a writer whose novel is a riot—a smart, funny, well written tale that is only coming to me because ebooks allow it. Five years ago, my chances of finding this author would have been nil (more about him later!)

And that’s what I keep my focus on right now, as the publishing world moves in to warp speed: the stories are there, in abundance. Good stories by talented voices.


Colleen Thompson said...

Nice to see you, Caitlyn! So what was the name of the e-book you enjoyed? We'd love to hear, and I'm sure the author would love it if you'd mention his/her book. :)

I agree that the only constant in this industry is change. Except that right now, it's coming faster and faster.

Kathryn Peterson said...

I told this to my prison students today, actually. They were asking me certain questions, and I said CURRENTLY and HISTORICALLY, and then would go on to give advice. But I kept reminding them that what I say today about the business side of things may well be different a few months, weeks, or even days from now.

Kathryn Peterson said...

Good post! Would love to hear more of your takes on things, coming from the publicist angle.

Joni Rodgers said...

Right on, Caitlin. Looking forward to having another fabulous book dame amongst us!