Tuesday, April 03, 2012

This blows! Amazing storm footage of flying semi trailers

I've been a little obsessed with storms for the last several years, pretty much since the epic hurricane season of 2005, which sparked the story in my latest novel, The Hurricane Lover.

My husband and I volunteered with relief efforts here after Hurricane Katrina and watched agog as the Houston metroplex was strangled by the biggest evacuation debacle in US history as Hurricane Rita threatened the city.

In 2008, Hurricane Ike roared up I-45 like a colonoscopy, doing all the damage we narrowly escaped during Rita. During the height of the storm, my curiosity got the better of me. I went outside so I could experience it. I couldn't have written about it if I hadn't seen, heard, smelled and tasted it. Incredible.

Anyway, this today outside of Dallas. Holy flying 18-wheelers!


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