Friday, April 05, 2013

Joni reviews THE MAPMAKER'S WAR by Ronlyn Domingue: "A challenging, magical, wonderful work."

Really enjoyed Dr. KatPat's interview with author Ronlyn Domingue this week, and I highly recommend this unusual novel of love and conflict. What a challenging, magical, wonderful work. The voice and style are unlike anything I've ever read - which might speedbump some readers, but for me, it's a strength. The universal aspects of war and love ring painfully, beautifully true.

I definitely want to read more of this talented author's work. Meanwhile, I'll be posting more video reviews here on BoxOcto from the Stella's Umbrella review blog, I'll Have What She's Reading. Let me know in the comments if you agree, disagree, like my dog, think I should get a cat, made a huge mistake painting my kitchen cabinets red or any other opinion you'd like to vent! (And as always, I want to know what you're reading!)


Colleen Thompson said...
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Daniel Lee said...
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