Saturday, July 03, 2010

Go with God, Beryl Bainbridge

The strange and wonderful novelist and performance artist Beryl Bainbridge has died.

From the LA Times:
Born in Liverpool, Bainbridge took to the stage before finding her voice on paper with her first book, 1967's "A Weekend with Claud." Her 1989 novel "An Awfully Big Adventure" drew on her experiences acting in a local theater company; the book was made into the 1995 film starring Hugh Grant. Many of Bainbridge's earliest novels tapped her personal experiences, but later in her career she turned to big historical moments, delving into them with exacting focus.
Beryl Bainbridge is one of the authors who taught me to write from my gut and paint my kitchen as I bloody well please, resale value be damned. I've been a fan for many years and named the feisty bartender in my first novel Beryl as an homage.

Must revisit Master Georgie. A terrifically quirky, morally ambiguous, sexually questioning, character rich book. Check it out.


Mylène said...

Thanks for this, Joni. I wish you two could have met. I have the feeling you were kindred spirits. And now, to read me some Beryl.

Kathryn Peterson said...

I was wondering where that character name came from! Agree with Mylene about wishing the two of you could have met. You could have done your "fat, nude writing" together.