Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy 50th Birthday, To Kill a Mockingbird!

Fifty years ago today, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird was published by Lippincott.

Suggestions for celebrating: Dress up like a giant ham and drink some ice cold lemonade, test your knowledge of the iconic southern novel with Guardian's TKM trivia quiz. Or better yet, revisit the book with this special 50th Anniversary Edition from Harper Perennial, which features the original cover art, a deckled edge (for that 1960s library stacks feel), and a brief forward by Harper Lee, in which she reminds us, "I am still alive, but very quiet."

1 comment:

Colleen Thompson said...

Oh, how I love Atticus! Happy birthday to the book, and thank you, Harper Lee, for a book that truly speaks for itself and stands alone.

How many authors have the guts say that of their debut? And the perceptiveness to allow the decades to prove them right?