Friday, July 02, 2010

Read Lonesome Dove with Texas Monthly

Despite my washout with the communal read of Infinite Jest last summer, I'm trying to keep up as Texas Monthly Reads takes on Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove.

From editor John Spong:
The book will stay with you in a way few others have. And don’t be scared off by its intimidating heft. McMurtry’s writing offers easy access, a plainspoken prose that feels lifted straight from nineteenth century Texas. Against that low key backdrop, every character who emerges has depth—or at least a quirk—that pulls you along. But the primary appeal is the two friends at the story’s center, the taciturn Call and impossibly charming Gus. They’re best friends who bicker constantly, about work habits, women, lifelong regrets, next adventures, and everything else that arises. They invariably express shock and disdain at the other’s behavior, yet only seem complete when they’re together. In short, it’s a real relationship, and they will become real people in your life while you’re reading the book, only they’ll be a great deal funnier and more heroic.


Colleen Thompson said...

I absolutely love Lonesome Dove. It had a huge influence on me as a writer. I reread the book recently, along with John Graves' fascinating Goodbye to a River, which I believe McMurtry claimed influenced him greatly. Wonderful reading experience as well.

Great suggestion, Texas Monthly! Thanks for sharing, Joni.

Kathryn Peterson said...

Lonesome Dove is one of my big gaps in my reading, and clearly I need to fill that gap. Thanks for bringing it up.