Saturday, October 16, 2010


Friends, let me share with you one of the quotes I've been using lately in my talks and lectures:

My passport photo is one of the most remarkable photographs I have ever seen--no retouching, no shadows, no flattery--just stark me.   Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I love this one.  The simplicity of it.  And yet the bravura.  The willingness to redraw--in part through words--the map of the self.  The basic understanding that the story that we tell about ourselves to ourselves matters.

Ah, life.  It isn't just made out of the words that are handed to you, the words that you are expected to use ("God I hate that picture of me").  It is made out of the words with which you choose to design your self and what you do.

Not just your work.


I'd love to hear more words that show the way.

Do share!


Kathryn Peterson said...

I love this, Mylene. Lately I've been thinking about what friends choose to put on their facebook pages, right under their names. A couple that I like:

My friend Dre, the bellydancing folklorist, who says "I live the life I love and I love the life I live."

My friend Oindrila, who has the Edna St. Vincent Millay quote:
"My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends--
It gives a lovely light!"

A fascinating question.

Linda Brytak said...

A picture. One dimensional, planes, shadows, forms.A reasonable facsimile of who I am. Untouched, just "stark me"...

No, sorry I don't buy it. For I am full blown and multidimensional.
The passport photo is not the map of the self. come hither child and let me speak to you of the planes and shadows which form me. picture me with your words and understanding. Let no facsimile which bears my resemblance be mistaken for who I am.

Kathryn Peterson said...

Sort of like that picture by Magritte of the pipe, the one where the title is translated "This is not a pipe." ;)