Thursday, May 26, 2011

Working in a Coal Mine (Lee Dorsey and friends make me feel a little less sorry for myself)

First can I get a AMEN for M's post yesterday? I'm a tragically poor blogmate right now, slogging through the massive overhaul on a novel that's had me up early and late 16 hours a day for several weeks now. I'm mentally and physically exhausted, but loving what it feels like when fiction goes on fire. I'll be rejoining the real world soon. (But not as real as these guys.)

1 comment:

Kathryn Peterson said...

First of all, AMEN! :) And secondly, don't ever consider yourself a "tragically poor blogmate," particularly when you are going through massive novel overhaul. I'm sure we've all been there!

Hang in there, Joni!