5.0 out of 5 starsunexpected, chilling and beautifully written

DANCING TO THE END OF LOVE has been on my TBR list since I read - and loved - Adrian White's novel An Accident Waiting to Happen. This one's kept me up until after 2 AM. I couldn't stop reading until the surprising and beautifully wrought end.

This story winds like a spiral staircase around a fatally flawed protagonist who plainly says about himself, "I'm not the right man for anyone in her right mind." With a chilling frankness, he lays out both his ugliest intentions and his heartbroken regrets. There's something very Camus about this solitary man as he roams the world, intersecting the lives of various women, manipulating people he encounters in a casual - almost sporting - way, until he's grabbed and brutalized by authorities who suspect him of terrorist activities. The ordeal is described with the same detached sorrow as his manipulative sexual encounters, but we begin to see a depth in him that gives us hope as the story winds back to where it began.

Adrian White is a masterful writer. Readers who are smart enough and open-minded enough to trust him for the duration of the telling will be rewarded with a story that's rich in imagery and moral complication and ultimately brings redemption in a most unexpected way.

Originally posted on as Joni L. Rodgers
