How about it people? If you're a Mac author out in the cold, please post a B&N buy link to your book in the comments below, and anyone else who's willing to put money where mouth is, please join me and post a shout out: Hey, Amazon! I just bought a Mac author from B & N!
The Murderer's Daughters is the debut novel of Randy Susan Meyers, who spent eight years as assistant director of Common Purpose, a batterer intervention program where she worked with both batterers and domestic violence victims. She's also worked with at-risk youth and currently teaches fiction-writing seminars at the Grub Street Writers’ Center in Boston.
From the flap:
Mama was “no macaroni-necklace-wearing kind of mother.” She was a lipstick and perfume-wearing mother, a flirt whose estranged husband still hungered for her. After Mama threw him out, she warned the girls to never let Daddy in the house...PW says it's "solid" and "psychologically complex." Sounds promising.
It's a monumental bit of bad luck to have your debut novel emerge in the middle of a s#*t-storm. (Says the girl whose book came out just before 9/11.) It can be a career changer, and it stinks. So here's one for you, Randy Susan. I'm turning off my Kindle and looking forward to diving into your good old full price hardcover.
Update: Authors Guild statement on the pi$$ing contest.
I also turned off my kindle and bought Randy's book in hardcover from a local indie bookseller. Already finished it and loved every page. Great blog spot!
i also bought Murderers daughters from B&N
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