Thursday, February 04, 2010

John Scalzi's Play on Publishing

Frustrated by the current publishing climate and "give it to me now and give it to me free" attitude of those who feel entitled to download your hard work on the downlow?

If you'd rather laugh than cry about it (at least for today), I highly recommend you click your way over to Hugo-nominated, New York Times bestselling science fiction author John Scalzi's Whatever Blog to read Why In Fact Publishing Will Not Go Away Anytime Soon: A Deeply Slanted Play in Three Acts.

You, Mr. Scalzi, clearly rock. And Mrs. Scalzi, I'm sending you a cyber-high five for that appearance in the Third Act.


Richard said...

Although I am a lawyer in Augusta, Georgia, I also hope one day to get published a book about my "war stories" from the courtroom. So, I was really excited to run across your excellent site which offers a lot of helpful information! Thank all of you for your time and effort in producing this excellent site!

Colleen Thompson said...

Thanks so much, Richard. I'm so glad you found us, and I wish you all the best on your writing journey!

Joni Rodgers said...

Ha! That was awesome. Better than Chekov.

Mylène said...

For me, the timing was excellent. I've had to spend this week dealing with illegal e-versions and downloads of The Deadwood Beetle, and Amazon saying it was available on Kindle (which it is not, and should not be--and I know because I own all e-rights to this novel). Onward ho.

Joni Rodgers said...

Wow, Mylene. Not. Cool. And very preventable on their side.

I think Amazon has to take some responsibility for at least minimal precautions to ensure that authors are not being robbed.

Colleen Thompson said...

Ouch, Mylene. Sorry you had to mess with that.

Actually, I've been thinking of Kindle-izing a book to which I hold the e-rights. Have you thought of doing that yourself?

Mylène said...

Yes, Colleen, I have. I'm about ready to do it on my own terms.