Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why We Need Stories

Here's a quote I just had to share, from Karl Iglesia's brilliant book,Writing for Emotional Impact.

Because life is often frustrating, illogical, and chaotic, we turn to stories for meaning and structure. We look for answers and for universal values because we want to know how to lead our lives -- how to treat one another, how to love, how to triumph over obstacles. We also turn to stories because they explain the world emotionally rather than analytically. One can say, then, that stories are our metaphors for life, our blueprints for living...

If you haven't read Iglesia's book, I can't recommend it highly enough. It's one of those extremely rare books on writing I've been actively highlighting, marking up with copious notes, and telling every writer I know they ought to have a copy. I own shelves of books on craft, but this is one I'm certain I'll be referring back to often.

And by the way, I paid full retail for my copy after author Pat Kay recommended it. So THERE, FTC. My motives are pure!


Man Candy Fans said...

I just ordered the book yesterday. Can't wait until it arrives.

Marilyn Brant said...

I just ordered it, too--thanks!--along with Walking on Alligators, which I've been hearing wonderful things about as well ;).

Colleen Thompson said...

Hi, Vicky and Marilyn,
Hope you enjoy it as much as I am.

I really love Walking with Alligators. That's another book I pull off the shelf from time to time and have liberally annotated.

Kathleen Baldwin said...

Fabulous book. I happen to be reading it right now, too. He really packs the info into it. A very good book no matter what stage you are at in your writing career.