Monday, February 01, 2010

Meet me in Montana (as the song says)

Headed back to Montana today, camping out at my favorite writing retreat (aka Mom & Dad's place) between speaking gigs. First stop, Missoula Community Medical Center's Voices of Hope event at the Hilton Garden Inn, Wednesday Feb 3, 4 - 9:30 PM. From their website:
One in three people will be diagnosed with cancer during his or her lifetime. We are firm believers that knowledge is one of our most powerful allies when it comes to the battle against cancer. That’s why Community Medical Center sponsors this event each year. We invite you to take part in this free event including panel presentations with a variety of medical experts and survivors as they discuss treatment, beating cancer and what it means to be a survivor.
Then it's back to Helena, where I'll do a couple workshops and keynote for the Rocky Mountain Theatre Festival at Carroll College, Feb 12-13, an amazing event hosted by Helena's Grandstreet Theatre.

Looking forward to seeing many old friends and connecting with a host of creative types!

1 comment:

Colleen Thompson said...

Wish I could come play sherpa again. I heart Montana - looking to go back for a visit.

Have a great and successful trip.