Sunday, December 05, 2010

#BuyThisBook: "The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc" by Loraine Despres

Wracking your tryptofan and powdered sugar addled brain for gift ideas? We asked our publishing peers and peeps to help us recommend a book every day from Black Friday to Christmas Eve!

The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc by Loraine Despres

Recommended by me!
Perfect for me! (Thanks for sending me a fresh copy, Loraine. I loved this book when it first came out, and I shall thoroughly enjoy revisiting my homegirl Sissy.)

"Rule #59 in the Southern Belle's Handbook: It's okay for a woman to know her place. She just shouldn't stay there."

It's a steamy June afternoon in Louisiana, circa 1956, and Sissy LeBlanc is sitting on her front porch, wondering half-seriously if she could kill herself with aspirins and Coca-Cola. She's been living in stifling old Gentry since the day she was born and trapped in a sham of a marriage to Pee Wee LeBlanc since she was only seventeen. In short, she's fed up, restless, and ready for an adventure. And in short, she finds one.

Loraine Despres is a screenwriter (she's behind the classic "Who Shot JR?" ep of Dallas, among other things), so not surprisingly, it's the dialogue that made me love this book. The New Orleans Times-Picayune calls it "hilariously diverting...fine and funny."

1 comment:

Loraine Despres said...

Thanks! THE SCANDALOUS SUMMER OF SISSY LEBLANC took three years to write so your enjoyment mean a lot to me. Here's a new quote you might like: "Writing is easy. Only writing well is hard."