. . . and here's the link that tells you how.
Thanks, by the way to all of you who are using your gift cards to buy my books (and the books of all BoxOcto writers) on Kindle. At least, I imagine that's what's accounting for the uptick!
Thanks, by the way to all of you who are using your gift cards to buy my books (and the books of all BoxOcto writers) on Kindle. At least, I imagine that's what's accounting for the uptick!
We also have to remember people lent books (rather than bought them) back in the not-yet-dead days of hard- and paperbacks. And could lend them again and again. At the beginning of my career, I met with a book group who had all shared a single copy of The Medusa Tree (now I stipulate that all members of a group must buy the book if they would like me to attend their meeting--although I must say, e-readers will make that harder to confirm).