Monday, January 31, 2011

Former White House chef Matty Wendel shares foodie reflections and recipes in new blog

Matty Wendel is the anthropomorphization of a fresh snickerdoodle: warm, sweet, classic but folksy, and instantly loved by pretty much everyone who encounters him. He came from humble beginnings, learning to cook in his mom's Texas kitchen, and went on to become the chef at the White House. He's an inexhaustible fount of foodie facts, history and trivia and kept me up late with stories of his adventures.

Check out Matty's new blog, Dinner With Matty, where he'll be sharing recipes and thoughts on all things delicious. On the table today: Matt ponders chocolate chip goodness and posts the recipe for the Chocolate Chip Cookies, with which he has shut up many a politician and melted the hearts of numerous heads of state.


Colleen Thompson said...

Oh, cool! Checking this out now.

After all, who doesn't love cookies?

Joni Rodgers said...

Since I can't eat chocolate (weird chemo after effect), I asked him if there was an emotionally comparable cookie for the chocolate-challenged. He thought about it overnight and the next morning presented me with these amazing oatmeal cookies...((sigh))

I'll ask him to post the recipe.

Colleen Thompson said...

Please do since I don't eat chocolate either. Though I thought about trying butterscotch or toffee morsels as a substitution.

But at least with the oatmeal I can pretend I'm eating something healthy! Love it, too.