Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Upending: At Least the Novel's Not Like This!

An addendum to my last post. And yes, this is our bathroom, or rather was our bathroom, as of last week. It's slightly better now. I think the renovations and the novel are in a race to see who can get done first--or is that last? And yes, the whole time I've been rewriting, various rooms in my house have been in this sort of state of flux.

Not going to even try to make a pithy artist metaphor out of that!


Jeanna Thornton said...

Kath, you are in a state of renovation...it happens! the years I worked as full time designer, I would see families with renovations going on in more than one level of their lives. These were the projects I remember the best...lending an ear as well as my eye. :)

To restore is to move on, to ty up lose ends that could allow *holes*... endangering the finished product.

Stay with it and thrive!

Kathryn Peterson said...

Thanks, Jeanna. Your encouragement means a lot right now.