Friday, January 28, 2011

What literary agents read when they're not reading what you wish they were reading

An interesting article from Karen Dionne in the Huffington Post today: What Literary Agents Are Reading supplies the personal reading lists of about a dozen top agents, including Jenny Bent (Olive Kitteridge), Jason Allen Ashlock (How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe: A Novel), and Kristin Nelson (Tinkers). Check it out.


Colleen Thompson said...

Loved this. I'm always asking editors and agents I work with what they're excited about having read recently. I've gotten some great recs that way, and it also gives me insight into the ed/agt's tastes.

Barbara Sissel said...

I love having these lists. I've found some great books (and reviewed a few of them here!) to read this way. Asking someone what they're reading is a great, fast way to establish a dialogue and/or to open a query process. There isn't anything like a discussion of books to break the ice with an agent/editor or anyone. Thanks for this link, Joni.