Thursday, February 16, 2012

#FreeKindleBook BT Sissel on THE VOLUNTEER and life before #birthcontrol

"Shannon was a class beauty. She was a homecoming queen nominee. But it was the Sixties; nice girls—class beauties, homecoming queens—didn’t get pregnant..."
In response to the recent political flap surrounding free access to birth control, author Barbara Taylor Sissel writes this timely post on her blog, relating some of the heart-wrenching stories she heard while researching her novel The Volunteer.

"Regardless of our beliefs on the issues of premarital sex and pregnancy," says Sissel, "silence is not the answer. Neither is judgment against or consignment to hell. That was life before birth control."

Sissel, who has a talent for putting issues into powerful context (a la Picoult and Shreve), is hoping to bring the message home, offering The Volunteer free on Kindle this weekend.

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