Saturday, May 23, 2015

Last day for best book bargain of the summer: #WomenWritingWomen ends at midnight!

This year I collaborated with six other authors around the world on an extraordinary publishing experiment. Outside the Box: Women Writing Women is a box set of seven critically acclaimed novels by seriously established women writers, writing across all genres. The theme that unites the novels: the main characters are strong, idiosyncratic women characters.

The box makes a powerful statement about the universality of women's stories and about the independent women who write and read upmarket fiction. We were featured in media around the world, including a great article on publishing's glass ceiling in Guardian's book section, in which we were referred to as "the real superstars...storytellers dedicated to their craft... ground-breaking, boundary-pushing women..."

Just wanted to thank everyone for supporting and spreading the word. It's been an amazing experience on many fronts, but I think my favorite part was reading the six stellar novels by my boxmates. I was in fabulous company!

So this is it. Last chance to load your Kindle for a full summer of excellent reading, one the best reader bargains I've seen in a long time-. Seven stellar novels for the price of one.  Just sayin'.

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