I've been dying for this book to come out. I was actually up for the job last year, but I spent some time with Patti, and we liked each other a lot, but we both knew immediately it wasn't going to be a working love connection. I haven't had a chance to read the book yet, since I was slammed with a book release of my own this week, but she's a great, great lady, and Digby Diehl is a terrific writer, so I'm eager and optimistic. (Even as I hope my book stomps hers into the ground. Sorry, Patti. That's show biz.)
As a teenage theatre major, I worshiped Patti Lupone. The night she scored the Tony for Evita, she wore a tux to the awards show, and I was so dazzled, I hied myself to the Salvation Army and purchased a tux the very next day. Wore it to every art party for the rest of the year. Patti laughed when I told her this.
"Of course, I was going to wear a gorgeous dress," she told me, "but when it arrived that day, it didn't fit, so I wore the tux I'd been wearing for my cabaret act."
That's a huge component of any career in the arts. No matter what everyone else is doing or what preconceived notions you had about how it was going to be, you've got to go with what fits and make the moment your own.
Here's the fabulous Patti Lupone, storytelling as only Patti Lupone can and singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miz. As only Patti Lupone can. Susan Boyle, eat your heart out.
I love Patti too, yet can't imagine the book outperforming Promise Me. Ah, I love it when the stage is crowded with women.
Oprah, dear, you couldn't move yourself to choose Nancy Brinker over Jonathan Franzen? Tsk, tsk.
Tsk, tsk indeed. :)
Or choose Patti Lupone over Franzen! Or Dr. Seuss! Or Valley of the Dolls! Or Pat the Bunny or...
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