Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let It Out

And if you wanna sing out, sing out

And if you wanna be free be free

Well there's a million things you can be

You know that there are . . .

Cat Stevens

May the words burst from you today, my friends (with thanks to sign language interpreter Cori Pate and all the wonderful folks at the Illinois Big Read).


Unknown said...

I hope your muse dances for you too!

Mylène said...

Saranna, I'm going to sit down right now and let her rip!

Colleen Thompson said...

If I ever let it out, musically, people would start screaming, "Put it back!" :)

LOL. Enjoy your day!

Kathryn Peterson said...

LOL, Colleen--that's too great. And I love the picture, Mylene! Here's to you and your muse; may you both dance joyfully.

Mylène said...

Of course, I wasn't actually singing--perish the thought! But I was rhapsodizing . . .