Friday, April 29, 2011

NaPoMo QOTD Nearing the End and Starting Again

"I must hurry, I must go somewhere...
Pronounce its name.    Oh, driver!
For God's sake catch that light, for

There comes a time for us all when we want to begin a new life."
 - The World Is a Parable by Robert Penn Warren* (PoLau '44-'45, '86-'87)

My mom says I'm always in a hurry. I say I have a lot to do. Either way, I've never really operated on the standard timeline. From being premature to graduating early to exploring new countries, I'm always ready to turn over a new leaf before the person next to me. I just love adventure and the sooner I can get to one, the better.

Today's adventure (and consequently today's shameless blog plug) is heading up Team Starbucks for my college's Relay for Life. I have a hard enough time wrangling folks when they're paid to listen to me, now I get to coerce them for free. yesss. All in all, though, I impressed my boss with fundraising ideas and I get a cool t-shirt, so I think it will work out well. I'm happy to make management happy and I'm ecstatic to help the American Cancer Society.

In addition to being NaPoMo and and NaHuMo, April is also National Volunteer Month. I've thoroughly enjoyed sharing poetry with you and I'm glad that you've all humored me enough to read it everyday. Please help me one last time by donating. (Told ya. shameless.)

*From The Poets Laureate Anthology, published by W.W. Norton in association with the Library of Congress. Poem copyright Robert Penn Warren.

1 comment:

Colleen Thompson said...

It's been a real pleasure having you here, Jerusha! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your choices from this excellent anthology!